About ME
Hello!! My name is Nicole Suurmeier and I am the K-8 Computer and
Digital Photography teacher for the Scotland School District. I'm so
excited for my first year as a teacher and I can't wait to work with
students and parents to expand their knowledge of computers.
I'm a graduate of SHS and Northern State University. I graduated with
an Accounting Major and Computer Minor in 2001. I obtained my
Alternative Education Certificate in 2018 and will be working towards my Professional Teaching Certificate!!! I help coach the 14U and 18U girls softball teams and love to support our athletic teams and fine arts programs. I'm a big supporter of SHS activities and look forward to watching our youth grow into amazing young adults.
I am married to Bill and we have triplets who were born in September of 2014. Darius, Huxley and Tiana keeps us very busy and look forward to attending SHS. We live on a farm northwest of Scotland and have cows and grain farm.
I'm so excited to be back within the walls of SHS as an educator!!!